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What to expect from a root canal procedure?

1 November 2022by Shiv

Occasionally, bacteria may infect the pulp of a tooth. To save the tooth in this circumstance, root canal therapy is necessary. During this procedure, the diseased pulp is removed and the tooth is sealed to prevent reinfection. An abscessed or infected tooth may be treated with a root canal to alleviate pain. During root canal therapy, the inflamed pulp is extracted. After disinfecting and cleaning the inside surfaces of the tooth, the opening is filled with a filling.

When do you need a root canal?

Infection of the pulp within your tooth by oral bacteria necessitates root canal treatment. This often occurs when a cavity is neglected over an extended period of time. Additionally, it may occur if a tooth that has been traumatized breaks or receives other damage.

What is the length of a root canal?

The number of visits needed for root canal treatment will depend on the severity of the infection in your tooth. A root canal typically requires 60 minutes to perform. A bigger tooth with many roots may need up to two hours of treatment time.

What takes place during the root canal procedure?

Conway House dentists will take dental X-rays of the affected tooth before starting your root canal. This makes it possible to assess the degree of injury and confirms that root canal therapy is the best course of action. The stages that will be carried out during your root canal surgery are as follows:


  • Anesthesia. 
  • Dental dam placement.
  • Access hole. 
  • Pulp removal.
  • Shaping the canals. 
  • Filling the canals. 
  • Sealing the tooth. 
  • Placing the final restoration.


How should you get ready for a root canal?

Your healthcare professional may address any concerns you have regarding the process before starting your root canal. You may do the following things to be ready for your root canal procedure:


1- Take any prescription medicine as directed: If there is a lot of infection present, you can be prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before your consultation.


2- Avoid smoking because tobacco products hinder your body’s capacity to repair itself. A few days before your root canal appointment, try to cut off smoking completely if you can.


3- Eat a nutritious meal before your visit since the local anesthetic used for root canal treatment will cause your mouth to be numb for a few hours.


Are root canals painful?

Many patients worry that after receiving root canal treatment, their teeth may hurt. However, the majority of patients have instantaneous alleviation after treatment since the infection’s source is eliminated during the process. Call your healthcare physician as soon as you feel throbbing pain after a root canal.


What should I anticipate after a root canal?

After a root canal, you shouldn’t have severe pain, although you can experience sensitivity for the first few days. Painkillers, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, may effectively treat these symptoms, which are common. The majority of the time, side effects disappear within one to two weeks.


Who should carry out the root canal I need?

An endodontist or a general dentist performs root canal therapy (a root canal specialist). Because they have fewer roots, teeth towards the front of the mouth are often treatable by general dentists. You may be sent to an endodontist if you need root canal treatment on a tooth with many roots or if your situation is complicated.


Advantages of having a root canal?

The use of a root canal has a number of advantages. This therapy can:


  • Stop the spread of the illness to other teeth.
  • Reduce the appearance of tooth infection symptoms.
  • lessen the possibility of jawbone injury.
  • Make it unnecessary to pull teeth.


How safe are root canals?

Root canals are thought to be secure and efficient. The success rates for this treatment are astounding, reaching up to 98%.


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How long does it take for a root canal to heal?

Root canal healing usually takes less than a week. A few days of minor pain is possible, although this may be treated with medicine. Call your healthcare physician if you have extreme pain or discomfort for more than a week.


Can I eat after Root Canal?

Yes. It’s advisable to hold off until the numbness subsides, however. The anesthesia’s effects often last a few hours.


For the first several days, stick to softer meals like spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. As your comfort level rises, gradually introduce solid foods.


Additionally, you should avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth. Until your final dental restoration is in place, try to chew on the other side of your mouth.


Can we drive after the Root Canal?

It varies. If you had a procedure while under local anesthetic or nitrous gas, you are able to drive yourself to and from the appointment. Oral or IV sedation patients will need a friend or relative to transport them home.


Does smoking resume after a root canal?

It is not advised. Smoking impedes the healing process and raises the possibility that you’ll need further dental treatment in the future.


When may I return to my job, my studies, or other activities?

People who have undergone root canal treatment may often return to work or school the following day. However, you could need an additional day or two to recuperate completely if you had sedation during your dental surgery.


What aftercare advice do you have for root canals?

It’s critical to keep the region clean after root canal therapy. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash and regular brushing and flossing to keep germs at bay. If you still have a temporary filling in place, you should refrain from biting on the treated tooth until the permanent crown is in place.


How long do a root canal’s effects last?

Results aren’t guaranteed with dental operations, as they never are. But when root canal treatment is done properly, the effects might continue for a very long period of time, perhaps your whole life.


When should I schedule a visit with my doctor?

Call your healthcare practitioner right away if you have any root canal symptoms, such as tooth pain, swelling, foul taste, or other warning indicators. An infected tooth has a higher chance of being saved if it is treated quickly.


Regular dental exams can significantly lower the risk of infection. Your healthcare professional can identify issues during these visits early on, before they become worse.


Conway House’s statement


It might be frightening to have jaw swelling or tooth ache. Thankfully, root canal treatment may eliminate illness at its source, allowing you to recover fast. Call your doctor as soon as you think you may have an infected or abscessed tooth. Quick medical attention may stop an infection from spreading and reduce your discomfort, allowing you to resume your daily activities. We have the best dentists in High Wycombe. Call and schedule your appointment with us.


We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.

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