Address218 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3AR

Dental TreatmentSedation


IV Sedation – Nervous Patients / Dental Phobia

We are all different, and we all have our own anxieties about matters that sometimes scare or frighten us. A number of people are worried about having dental treatment. This may be for a variety of reasons, such as a bad experience at the dentist, their own beliefs about dental treatment, or perhaps the amount of treatment to be carried out. Their anxiety may be so great that it prevents them from going to the dentist.

So if you feel nervous, fear not! We at Conway House understand that patients can be nervous when coming to us for a whole array of reasons. We understand that the amount of anxiety can vary hugely from individual to individual.

That’s why we care for every patient as an individual, and we will care for you according to your own unique dental requirements and personal needs. So don’t feel uncomfortable if you feel anxious on arrival at our clinic. We will encourage you to talk to us about your feelings so that we can reassure you, discuss your treatment fully with you, and prove to you that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. In fact we’ll do all we can to build your confidence and help you overcome your fears.

What is Intravenous Sedation

This is where a drug is administered though an injection normally in the back of the hand to make people feel like they are asleep. IV sedation does not actually induce sleep; instead, you actually remain conscious and can follow instructions from your dentist. However, intravenous sedation will reduce the anxiety you feel and there will be a feeling of relaxation and calmness.

The sedative drug is administered into a vein using a very thin needle that is encased in a soft plastic tube. When the needle is removed from the vein, it leaves the plastic tube behind, and this tube is used to administer the drug. The common anti anxiety sedative that is used is midazolam. IV sedation is extremely safe. It is also very useful for patients who have a strong gag reflex.

Intravenous sedation is very straightforward procedure and does not effect how your dental treatment is carried out. Once you are sedated, your dentist will proceed with your dental treatment. Having sedation does not remove the need for local anaesthetic.

Conscious intravenous sedation has been developed to allow patients to have their fears and anxieties reduced to such an extent, that they could comfortably allow dental treatment to take place; it has many advantages which include:

  • There is no need to stay in hospital
  • The risks and inconveniences of having a general anaesthetic are eliminated
  • The patient remains conscious
  • The level of anxiety is reduced
  • The drug used is very effective. Most patients do not remember the treatment which has taken place during the sedation

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